Frequently Asked Questions

What is an online brand "platform"?
  • A "platform" is a coordinated, online branding approach to building your credibility as a professional and eventually an expert.
  • A platform encompasses all the ways you are visible and appealing to your future, potential, or actual "audiences," including future employers.

Why do students need to think about a platform?
  • The process of identifying what area/industry/interest you want to pursue—that is, your future specialty as a professional—is an important and necessary step to launching your career. 
  • In a weak economy where dozens and hundreds of applicants vie for the same opening, a platform can set you apart from the crowd of other entry-level candidates.
  • Having a platform as a student shows you to be technologically literate, pro-active and forward thinking...which are all compelling qualities in a job applicant. 

What can a platform do for you?
A professionally-constructed and well-thought-out platform can help you:
  • find your target audiences and potential future employers,
  • develop and deepen your expertise,
  • organize and clearly present your skills, talents, and ideas
  • develop marketing, branding, public relations, and media and technology skills,
  • define a clear path to your goals and objectives, both professionally and personally,
  • increase your chance of having potential employers find you, and give them compelling reasons to hire you, and
  • develop, present, and promote your portfolio.

Why should I build a platform?
  • Building a strong, compelling platform will help your learn how to become the professional you’ve always wanted to be and, most importantly, how to take your career more seriously. Moreover, a strong platform will help you position yourself as an emerging professional, someone who isn’t afraid to let the world know what you have to offer. An online platform helps you take your career to a more professional level with a blog, Web site and other social media and social networking tools.

But I'm only a student. Do I really need to think about this now?
  • Platform development is important not only for professionals already embarked upon a career; it's also crucial for aspiring and soon-to-be professionals. Your platform includes your Web presence, public speaking, teaching, your publication credits, and any other means you have for making yourself known to a viable audience, public, or industry.

The "How's," "Why's," and "What's" of Platform Building

Online Articles and Resources from Writer's Digest about Platform-Building:

(NOTE: Even though these articles are directed toward writers and authors, the same principles apply to any professional in any industry.)

Examples of Individual Platforms

Here are some examples of intellectual entrepreneurs who are building a brand for themselves, using Web 2.0 tools.
Marc Acito's online Platform
Ariel Levy's online platform.
Daniel Pink's online platform.