Jessica Scrivani - Information Design - Graduating Senior (May 2010)
Graphic Designer - Photographer - Travel Enthusiast


My travels are what sparked and inspired my passion in life for Art, Design & Photography. I feel a strong connection between traveling and art. Therefore, I wanted to create a personal platform to brand myself and share my passions with the rest of the world.  

IFD 303 has allowed me to accomplish many wonderful things. By learning new media tools such as Twitter and Linked-In, and mastering "older" online tools such as Facebook, I have been able to expand my network and connect with many professionals in my field; I've also been able to reconnect with past professors and colleagues. It’s all about networking! However, most importantly, by building my own platform, I have created a personal brand. Not only will this convey to future employers a sense of my professionalism, but it will benefit me in the long run. How many students do you know can say they have their own professional marketing Web site?

Eventually, I would like a role in visual communications & marketing where I can leverage various elements of media, software, art, and life experiences, to have an impact on the style, content and messaging towards another artist's life or someone's business.

Links to my Platform: